지속가능한 삶을 위해 노력하는 기업
Environmental Management System
What is the ISO 14001 certification system?
It specifies the minimum requirements for an environmental management system to enable continuous improvement by setting and implementing environmental policies and goals.
To ensure that all organizations are aware of environmental laws and important environmental aspects and minimize their impact on the environment.
The organization's environmental protection and pollution prevention are implemented according to the PDCA cycle model in balance with social and economic needs.
* PDCA : P(Plan) - D(Do) - C(Check) - A(Art)
* PDCA : P(Plan) - D(Do) - C(Check) - A(Art)
ISO 14001
Necessity of introducing ISO 14001 and effectiveness of certification
- It is possible to comply with environmental laws and
regulations that the organization must follow and
actively respond to strengthening legal regulations. - Strengthening corporate competitiveness through energy conservation,
waste reduction, and reduction of raw material usage - Build the capacity to actively respond to administrative authorities and
various international environmental regulations. - Develop eco-friendly products and services and
support eco-friendly marketing, eco-friendly purchasing,
and eco-friendly production systems. - Establish a system that can effectively respond to the interest and
pressure of environmental stakeholders such as customers and employees. - Performing our generation’s role to avoid placing
an environmental burden on future generations, etc.